Gareth - home for the weekend

Dearest Mom and Dad
Gareth did EVENTUALLY arrive in Brisbane - only after Vaughn bought him another ticket!! Quite ridiculous really - his flight was due to land at 9.25 am and he arrived at 6.27pm - after spenind the whole day at Canberra airport. His team was in Brisbane to play against Sunnybank.................

And they won!!!! Australian Club champs!!! WOOHOO

It was very hot - 30deg - the boys from Canberra struggled a bit - so they spent quite a bit of time doing this................

.................... more water please.............

In fact, I think the whole experience aged him!!!!!

After game Pizza - watching the Reds do their thing!!

Nat looking a tad guilty????

The tall people - happy to be together!!!



We missed Button and James...


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