A walk and stuff!

Dearest Mom and Dad
I belong to a walking group which has organized a few challenges for us during isolation.
First one was to walk 120km - its sort of imitating the great Camino Trail. So, I have completed that and am off onto the next 90km - we walk around our neighborhood.
Along the way I  get to see some interesting stuff.

Glorious plants!

Disturbing signs!

Some shrubs - gosh, the bees loved this one...................

I think I need to get one for our little native bees.

What's up with Australia and their spiky flowers?

And another one - the white ones was so gorgeous!

Did I mention that the weather has been AMAZING????????

This odd little tea cosy was given to me by the world famous Loani Prior  - all things crazy teapots. I love using it, it makes me smile!

Shopping - always someone telling us what to do..................................strange times.

The weather - AGAIN!

A boy and his dog............................................soooooooo bloody sweet.

Morning face..........................................too bloody cute!

I mean, really, how good is this banana?????????????????????????????

Sorry, another photo of the sea.....................................................and clouds........

This time I added Vaughn!

Another sign - this time in the forest walk behind our house - I mean, really?

Keeping track of my walking for the challenge.

Some hill work......................... I seem to have my hip bursitis under control.

Till next time.
All my love


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