I can breathe ...again

Dearest Mom and Dad
Well, I feel as though I can breathe again - both figuratively and literally!!
Vaughn and I survived the flu and I think I can see the end of the tunnel - book wise. These are the two crazies that I was telling you about - at the framers as we speak!!!!!!!

 Jane has been sooooo good to me - during the dreaded flu and the book ordeal!!! She popped in the other day with these flowers - she also fed us when we were sick!!!!!!

This is my little bird pincushion - I cannot wait to get my girl golly one - I told you I found the woman who was selling it, didn't I? I tracked her down!!!!!

 I went op shopping the other day - found the strangest ashtray - with this little bird on it!!!! Odd, odd, odd
 - but needless to say I could leave the shop without it. Nice little glass tray thingy too............

Close up of the bird - Button says that it looks stoned!!!!
I cant wait to see Button - she will be home for FIVE days next week !!!!!!!!! I think Gareth will be coming home as well. I baked some biscuits and bought some biltong and other South African treats for him - cost me a fortune to post!!!!

No more news, Mom
It feels as though it's been ages since I last blogged!!!!


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